Competitiveness of Agro-Food-Based Manufacturing Units
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9786246083724 - Sultan, Abid: Competitiveness of Agro-Food-Based Manufacturing Units
Sultan, Abid

Competitiveness of Agro-Food-Based Manufacturing Units

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Deutschland PB NW

ISBN: 9786246083724 bzw. 6246083722, Sprache unbekannt, independent Author, Taschenbuch, neu.

Lieferung aus: Deutschland, Versandfertig in 2-4 Wochen, Versandkostenfrei innerhalb von Deutschland.
Abid Sultan's book "Competitiveness of Agro-Food-Based Manufacturing Units" provides a detailed examination of the Indian agro-food sector and its manufacturing facilities. The book offers a thorough analysis of these units' competitiveness on the worldwide market and analyses the elements influencing it. The book contains in-depth studies of the different aspects that affect the performance of agro-food-based manufacturing units, demonstrating the author's experience in the topic. Technology, market connections, governmental support, innovation, and supply chain management are just a few of the many themes covered in the book. These topics are all essential to the development of agro-food-based manufacturing units. It presents a comprehensive overview of the many difficulties these units confront and offers useful suggestions for enhancing their competitiveness. The need of creating sustainable agro-food-based industrial facilities, which can aid in fostering economic growth and opening up job opportunities, is also emphasised in the book. Academics, politicians, and owners and managers of agro-food-based manufacturing units can all benefit from this book. It is based on thorough study and analysis and is written in a clear and straightforward manner. Anyone interested in learning more about the competitiveness of the Indian agro-food business and its manufacturing units will undoubtedly find the author's observations and suggestions helpful. For everyone interested in the agro-food sector and its significance to the Indian economy, "Competitiveness of Agro-Food-Based Manufacturing Units" is a must-read.
9786246083724 - Abid Sultan: Competitiveness of Agro-Food-Based Manufacturing Units
Abid Sultan

Competitiveness of Agro-Food-Based Manufacturing Units

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Deutschland DE PB NW

ISBN: 9786246083724 bzw. 6246083722, in Deutsch, independent Author, Taschenbuch, neu.

Lieferung aus: Deutschland, Versandkostenfrei, Shipping in 3 days.
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